Batuhan is a growing settlement south of the Wither Woods in northern Kaliphlin along the crossroads of major trade routes.
While farmers south of the Wither Woods have always scraped by, recent improvements to the climate accompanied by an increase in trade through this region have given rise to a proper town at the crossroads of the Woodbrow Road and the Wester Road. This town is called Batuhan. It is located 40 miles west of Eastgate and 50 miles north of Barqa.
Ahesh, who fought in the Battle of the Wither Woods, lead the town to prosperity after the battle claimed many of its citizens’ lives.
Over the years after the battle, the influence and protection of Eastgate diminished. Batuhan was left to defend itself and the trade route itself. Ahesh took on this challenge and created the Guard of Batuhan. A dragon was chosen to adorned the shields in honor of the dragon that changed Ahesh’s fortune. Aarash grew into a young man and a capable captain before taking over as the Emir of Batuhan for his late father.
Rough, but plowable terrain surrounds Batuhan with many farms to the immediate south and a few to the north. Principally, the Woodbrow Road cuts through the smoother parts of the terrain.
The Wither Woods to the North border the town and the main trade road. They are quite unhospitable to civilized folk.
The Barlas river feeds into a small lake with the same name. This creates a natural eastern barrier to the town, along with the rising terrain from which the river flows.
Further away, the port city of Eastgate lies to the west. The Westersands exist past the farmland, further to south and east. Even further south is the city of Barqa.
Ignored by the Desert King in Petraea, Batuhan has had to form its own guard to protect its citizens and merchants passing through. Since the Battle of Historica, the only constant threat has been from bandits and other evil creatures in the Wither Woods.
The Great Wall of Batuhan was raised to aid in this defense using the newly created Buğra Quarry. This guard and military wall have not escaped notice from Petraea, but in this time of peace, the Desert King has been content with Batuhan’s guard. It directly increases the trade that is so valuable to Kaliphlin and the wall would serve as a convenient defense against Avalonia, should the need ever arise.
Trade has been largely responsible for the grown of this settlement. It has attracted immigrants, which are the primary source of population growth. With the protection Batuhan provides to merchants, a tax is received.
Farms to the south, also under the protection of the Batuhan Guard, provide food and textiles for the town’s inhabitants.
The wall and many of the fortified buildings are only possible due to the Buğra Quarry located through the Wither Woods along the Wester Road.
The fortune of prosperity has given rise to Batuhan, but the wise know this is only fleeting. Merchants will not be so willing to hand over their gold if they become threatened on the road as they were before. Townsfolk may become rebellious if the farms fail to produce enough food. Farmers may be less tolerant of the new cultures if their livelihood is threatened. And those in power will find well-supported competition should any trouble arise.
The inhabitants of Batuhan are mainly immigrants. The time of peace and trade has brought many peoples to settle down here. Being so close to the sea and on a major trade route to Avalonia, many people have come from Varlyrio.
Dwarves have come from as far as Nocturnus to work in the quarry and craft stone in town.
Many of the Kaliphlinian farmers have accepted the cultural shifts, or at least tolerate them in town in exchange for their business.
Lizardfolk and other outlaws occupy the Wither Woods and are a constant threat to peace.

Aarash the Ardent
Aarash is the Emir of Batuhan and its surrounding area in the north of Kaliphlin. Aarash’s father, Ahesh, was a veteran of the Battle of the Wither Woods. During the battle, Ahesh was saved from the Luck Dragon by a fellow combatant.

Great Wall of Batuhan
The great wall of Batuhan protects the village from the evils of the Wither Woods.

Shield Shop
The shield shop of Batuhan supplies defensive equipment needed for those traveling the dangerous parts of Historica.

A Lumbering Process
Lumber from Wither Woods is gathered and brought to the saw mill before it makes its way to the shieldsmiths of Batuhan.

The Undoing of Shriza the Spider
Aarash leads the Batuhan guard into the Wither Woods to slay the beast that has been terrorizing the area around Batuhan.

Buğra Quarry
Buğra Quarry, located 60 miles upstream, provides the stone used to erect the walls that secure Batuhan.

Ahesh at the Battle of the Wither Woods
Before helping Batuhan grow into the bustling town it has become, Ahesh fought and survived the Battle of the Wither Woods.

Batuhan Trading Post
A bustling trading post for Kaliphlinians to acquire rare essential commodities, such as lumber.
External Links
- TODO: Link to GoH post?
- GoH Historican Settlement Post
- GoH Wiki TODO
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