Majisto's Tower Reimagined
I reimagined Majisto’s Tower #1906 for the CCC’s Return of the GOAT contest. Dragon Masters has always been my favorite LEGO theme (and favorite castle faction). Initially, I planned to re-do Majisto’s Magical Workshop #6048, after building a micro version. But others have created their renditions of it and Majisto’s Tower seemed more fitting for a castle contest.
Released in 1994, Majisto’s Tower, set #1906, was sold only in (North?) America. It came with many terrific parts (190 pieces total) for the price ($20), including:
- Printed wall panel and 8-wide arch pieces
- Dragon Masters Flag & Shield
- Spiral Staircase
- Tower roof
- Two BURPs
- Several castle wall/corner panels
- Horse
- 3 figs
- Castle-printed box with play features

That last one, the custom printed box, has some awesome castle designs, which I incorporated into my build. The color scheme of the paved ground came from this depiction while the foliage covered ground came from the green baseplate of the original set. Sadly, I do not have the box anymore (or cannot find it).
My recreation is approximately twice the size of the original in each dimension. The building portion is about 60% bigger; I expanded the ground and landscaping to fill up the rest. I kept the prominent features: the two towers and gateway as they were in the original and the rocks are in approximately the same place as the BURPs.
I imagined this tower being built at the top of a hill with a cliff drop-off to the left and behind. For this reason, I built the rockwork along the whole back side without a proper wall, true to the original.
A key element from the set is the spiral staircase up to Majisto’s tower. I built mine in the reverse direction as exiting the stairs off the model seemed strange. But to make it fit, I added a balcony off the back of the tower.
I added some potions, candles and a bookshelf to the expanded tower. Like the official set, I kept this room open. This makes it both easy to see the magical equipment and keep the play features from the original set.
As a kid, my eye was quickly drawn to the printed dragons over the entry arch and tower window. Rather than reuse the printed pieces, I brick-built them.
Another change I made was to add some space for a stable under the tower for the horse - complete with a manger.
And speaking of the horse, I scaled down the chariot while still keeping its flamboyant wings. The chariot design was inspired by GJC15344.
Besides the chariot, there are two other movable pieces in the original set: the front doors and the secret passage. While the front doors do open and close, they are a bit stiff and fragile.
The secret exit of the set opened with a horizontal hinge. I used a vertical one (using a Mixel joint). This allowed me to blend in the hidden door fairly well.
Another change I made was to the front guard tower. I decided to enclose it. There are three non-functional doors: one at the base of the tower, one leading out to the parapet over the gate and a trap door to the top of the tower.
I had planned to build the tower with the corner wall panels, but I didn’t have enough pieces for a 1x4 panel technique and the large corner panel this achieved the look I wanted while staying true to the original set.
I hope you enjoyed my reimagined Majisto’s Tower creation!
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